- package
- ros_core
- version
- 1.4.1
- description
- A metapackage to aggregate the packages required to use publish / subscribe, services, launch files, and other core ROS concepts.
- license
- depend
- catkin
- class_loader
- cmake_modules
- common_msgs
- gencpp
- geneus
- genlisp
- genmsg
- gennodejs
- genpy
- message_generation
- message_runtime
- pluginlib
- ros
- ros_comm
- rosbag_migration_rule
- rosconsole
- rosconsole_bridge
- roscpp_core
- rosgraph_msgs
- roslisp
- rospack
- std_msgs
- std_srvs
- maintainer
- Mikael Arguedas
- filename
- ros_pkg/metapackage/ros-melodic-ros-core.tgz
Copyright (C) 2019, Isao Hara