- package
- base_local_planner
- version
- 1.16.2
- description
- This package provides implementations of the Trajectory Rollout and Dynamic Window approaches to local robot navigation on a plane. Given a plan to follow and a costmap, the controller produces velocity commands to send to a mobile base. This package supports both holonomic and non-holonomic robots, any robot footprint that can be represented as a convex polygon or circle, and exposes its configuration as ROS parameters that can be set in a launch file. This package's ROS wrapper adheres to the BaseLocalPlanner interface specified in the
- license
- depend
- message_runtime
- angles
- costmap_2d
- dynamic_reconfigure
- eigen
- geometry_msgs
- nav_core
- nav_msgs
- pluginlib
- sensor_msgs
- std_msgs
- rosconsole
- roscpp
- rospy
- tf2
- tf2_ros
- visualization_msgs
- voxel_grid
- maintainer
- Michael Ferguson
- filename
- ros_pkg/navigation/ros-melodic-base-local-planner.tgz
Copyright (C) 2019, Isao Hara